
Allison Skopec (b. 1991, USA)

2015-2018 Tulane University School of Law, New Orleans, LA
2009-2013 Trinity University, San Antonio, TX (Studio Art/Environmental Studies/Art History)
2012 Technische Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria
2012 University of Applied Arts, Vienna, Austria
2005-2009 The Woodlands College Park High School, The Woodlands, TX

2014 May Residency at Modern Multiples, Los Angeles, CA
2014 Miss Contemporary Art 2014, San Antonio
2013 Trinity University Excellence in Art Award
2013 Trinity University Green Leaf Certification: Sustainability Across the Curriculum
2012 MAS Grant Recipient, taught Art classes at Su Espacio (Costa Rica)
2012 IES Student Ambassador
2009-2012 Baker Duncan Studio Art Scholarship Recipient
2009-2012 Trinity Academic Scholarship

2016 Tulane School of Public Health, Epidemiology and Disease Mural, New Orleans, LA
2014 In the Hall of the Giants, or How I Learned to Destroy the Claude Glass, Uptown Studio
2014 Arson: A New Musical, Attic Theater
2014 Lonely Horse Tour Posters, Atlantic Records
2013 Spring Showcase, San Antonio Art League Museum
2013-2014 Danse, Mural Commission, Beacon Hill
2013 Pop-up show: Laika, Overtime Theater & San Antonio Southtown
2013 Kunstkammer, Naomi and Michael Neidorff Gallery
2012 Cabinet of Curiosities, Naomi and Michael Neidorff Gallery
2011 Repose, Naomi and Michael Neidorff Gallery

2014 Cover design of 1966 literary journal, Trinity University
2014 Kegley, Tami. “Contemporary Art Month Ain’t Over Til the Cammies Sing” [http://therivardreport.com/contemporary-art-month-camunity-connection-grows-stronger/]
2014 Smith, Maddie. “So What’s the Deal with Contemporary Art Month” [http://www.trinitonian.com/archive/2013-2014/issues/spring/03.21.pdf]
2013 Pfeiffer, Kallie. “Exploring a Portrait of Allison Skopec” [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdk2NfXkRhs]
2013 “A Room Full of Art,” Trinity University News Center. [http://new.trinity.edu/news/room-full-art]
2011-2013 The Trinity Review, selected pieces
2013 The Trinity Review Cover Design
2010 “Repose: A Look at E.O. Wilson.” The Trinitonian
